September is my favorite month of the year. On the 16 we celebrated my Boxer Jersey's 8th Birthday.

On the 24 it was my Birthday.. I am now a year older and hopefully a little wiser but I am not too sure. *hehaha* On my b day what do you think I wanted to do?
THRIFT SHOP of course and it is exactly what I did. I found this vase, for a grand total of 75 cents
Here is two warm fuzzy knit hats I came across. I got them for next to nothing and I know I will get a ton of use outta them.
I also found two awsome handbags and a cute floral print hoodie (Not pictured) I had a Spaghetti dinner (Spaghetti is a top fave on my food list.) And dairy Queen ice cream cake to celebrate.
The leaves are changing here some tree's are still greener than green. And some are a gorgeous bright shade of yellow. I really enjoyed my September and I hope you did also. I hope this Fallish weather continues for a long while I am surely not ready for snow just yet.