Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happ BEE Summer

 Well hello everyone and Happy Summer ...... for those who are experiencing summer... for those who aren't Happy Winter.....??? (I think that shall do)
You might have noticed I have been missing for a couple of months. I blame that again on the cleaning I have been doing. The "One Retail location I was cleaning never did switch back to summer hrs" But good news is that contract ended in the first week of June. I finally have my Saturday mornings free again
(Something that hadn't happened in OVER A YEAR)
Although I haven't yet got back into my garage sale groove. I took the past 3 Sat's to sleep in and do gardening and such. I do hope to go garage saling this weekend though.
Jersey loves to smell flowers
 I purchased this cute orange gnome from Target to guard my orange begonias

 I purchased two mini roses this top one is named Holy Toledo and blooms into a bright fire orange.
 This second one is called Hope & Glory
 These belong to my Mom, I love them because of the green edging!

 My Hope & Glory in front of the gazebo

 I purchased these solar lights from WAL*MART. If you like solar lights I totally think you should buy these because they look absolutely gorgeous at night.

Okay so I have been seeing ALOT of google friend connect ending talk. And I do not want to disappear into blog nothing-ness and only be a distant memory of my bloggy friends. So I am working on setting up my 
Bloglovin account.

Thank you to all my followers I reached 200 followers on google friend connect in the past couple weeks YAY!

I have put a Blog lovin Icon in my side bar. Hopefully if you press it, it will take you to where it is supposed too. *LOL*