Hello fellow bloggers let this story be a warning to you so you will never have what happened to me happen to you while thrifting.

On Friday I decided to do some thrifting just a few stores so that I would save myself some time on Saturday. (My main shopping day)
First store which has a great deal (Five dollars for grocery store sized bag of clothes) I ended up finding some real nice clothes. After I was done there I headed to the second shop I like to frequent. They have a top floor and a bottom, I went to the downstairs first which holds electronics, furniture, outdoors stuff and a side room of bedding & linens & bathroom accessories. Well I ended up fining a garden hose nozzle attachment for watering the flowers for 50 cents and that was about it in the one big room. I then decided to go look in the linen room after finding a cute rose pattern pillow case I looked through the curtains and blankets which then brings me to the corner where the accessories are. I scan the shelf.. I see a nice vintage counter mirror, a shell soap dish, a really neat looking vintage bottle with a nice design Oh whats that?? ..

So there is this cup with molded flowers on it a pearly glaze I am thinking its kind of nice and decide to take a closer look maybe find the price. So I grab the cup and thinking the price would be on the bottom I turn it to the side. "OMG WHAT is that" (something has poured out of the cup and got on my hand..) Instantly I smell a HORRIFIC smell I freaked!! Put the cup down and ran into the stores back room looking for a employee. I see one of the men that works there, I say in a frantic tone "I need a sink and some soap I spilled something on me I don't know what it is but it stinks" (Now in the beginning I think the guy was thinking I was some crazy broad.) I mean they see me there alot but I usually just shop and leave.. I don't usually barge into backrooms yelling. So the employee tells me to follow him then asks (While we are walking) "Where is the container that has stuff in it?" I am still horrified and reply "I will show you AFTER I WASH MY HANDS.. I don't know what this is but I want it off NOW!!" We get to the sink he hands me some dawn dish soap and a towel. I turn on the water wash my hands once (Stop think) Nope the water wasn't hot enough I am gonna do it again. I wash my hands once more for at least two minutes. I am shaking and really wondering what that stuff was. Okay so hands are probably really clean.. but me being a complete germaphobe not so much. I then being less frantic have time to think of what that smell is it was so strong it was almost chemical-ish which is why I was so frazzled. Then I though OH MY GOSH that kind of smells like urine.. OLD urine outhouse-ish urine. (My stomach turns at the thought.) I see the employee and tell him I will show him where the blasted cup is. While walking I tell him that is smells so bad I think someone might have peed in this cup and put it back on the shelf. (Yes I know DISGUSTING) So we get to the door of the linen room. (OH HECK does it smell and we were not even inside. The whole room smells horrible I point for him to go to the right and we get to the shelf I point to the cup. He picks it up with the most disgusted look on his face and says: "I think you are right that is exactly what someone has done." He apologized saying "I am so sorry this happened" I replied with "It's okay it's not your fault" I then see him go grab bottles of cleaners to obviously try and deal with the situation. I head upstairs and I couldn't even concentrate!! I felt so Gross I just wanted to go home and wash my hands AGAIN!! I swear in total I washed my hands about 6 times after this incedent and showered once. I told my Mom what happened and told her that I still have the heebie jeebies. She told me to put Listerine on my hands because it kills 99.9 percent of germs!! *LOL* Did I do it?? Of course desperate times call for desperate measures. I smelled minty for the rest of the evening also.
So all of you lets make this a rule in thrifting. When grabbing any sort of thing that could hold liquid.. LOOK INSIDE before checking for a price or turning it over. Because I surely cannot be the only person this has ever happened too, and I would not ever want anyone else getting anything nasty spilled on them.
Anything weird, strange or gross ever happened to you while thrifting?