Monday, November 28, 2011
Vintage purchases and Christmas decorating
Friday, November 25, 2011
I'm not going to miss it this week! *Frock on Friday*
I couldn't even sew the button on the dress with thread so I could wear it. I had to use EMBROIDERY THREAD to keep the darned thing on.
So on the list to buy is 9 good condition vintage buttons to help this lovely frock live many more years to come.
(No not to your house..... to the Malls in my town!)
I wanted a picture here because of the happy snowman behind me. *lol*
Here is some last minute in the house pictures so you can properly see this frock.
I will put my mannequin Galaxie in it.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Lets catch up... Shall we? *Lots-O-Pics*
I mention in my about me I am obsessed with blankets/bedding what have you.
Below are two recent finds
I was given some money from my Grandma who lives eons away... Of course I needed to spend it as soon as I could right? Who saves money?!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Mrs. Mercy Morbid (Frock on Friday)

So this dress was lusted after by me for a few weeks. I am pretty sure I seen it the day it came out onto the thrift store floor. The price was about 8 dollars. (Not bad not bad.... But not the best when you are a lady who can clothe her entire body for half that at times.) So what did I do?? Well I took a chance on waiting until this immaculate dress would end up becoming the dollar day tag color I needed it to be. I am sure 4 weeks went by. I would check on her from time to time. Lucky for me she was placed in an area of the front window that I could see when I would pass by. (As the store is seriously mere blocks from my house) I must have muttered "My dress is still there" many times to whoever I was with when we would drive past.

Patience paid off! I went right at opening time on the day her tag color was on discount. Un-hung her and thought in my mind... "I did it.. yes.. I win!"
The other half seen these skull roses I was bringing with me for photos and said: "Well... NOW you look Morbid"
Hence the name ... Mercy Morbid

So how could I make this frock post even more fitting?? Well see the building in the background? Would you be a little spooked if I told you it is a abandoned sanatorium? It started up in 1907 and ran until 1958
It is a rather chilling place to look at. I try not to look into the windows in fear that I may see a face or someone waving. *EEEpp*

After the Sanatorium closed they reopened it for other purposes until 1984 when it was closed permanently. People who have snuck in and caretakers and security of the property say it is haunted.
(See the look on my face above)
I am 1 a little bit sad a building so old is just left like a hollow shell
sitting to rot. 2 A little creeped out, and worried about hearing a strange noise or seeing someone that shouldn't be seen.

Maybe I was worried a woman from the past would see me and think "Ohhh there is my friend Pearl Anne I must go say hi to her!"
Thursday, November 3, 2011
My first antique furniture purchase
Omg! My heart started to race and I had the hugest grin on my face...
I ran to find Mr. Coco"

Those were my stipulations.. That is what I had been searching for these past couple months.But once I saw this one I couldn't stop looking at it. (Then my mind would say "No it's not a round mirror... it's wood isn't dark enough.) So I would doubt for a few seconds... and then fall right back in love. She was 50.00 more than my $200.00 I planned to spend. This is one of the first times I saved Birthday money and added money to it to buy something really worthwhile. (Yay me)
The vanity is all the way from England. It was shipped over to Spokane Washington at some point and then the antique store I bought it from.. purchased it & brought it over the border into Canada. So she has had a long trip to say the least.
She is 1930's and a burl walnut wood
I am very sorry gorgeous wardrobe *sniff*
So I bought the vanity loaded her up carefully and was ecstatic to finally be bringing one home. This is a pic right after we unloaded it. Sitting in the dining room.