"Can't stop the obsession with the FAUX FUR!!"
I found this one on Sunday whilst visiting dollar tag sale day at one of my local thrifts. I like to pay ten or under for my faux fur coats... but sometimes I am willing to splurge a little more. I paid twenty for this one.
See the yellow gingham curtain in my door window? I found that for $1.99
(It makes me happy)

$1.79 for this Mamselle M brooch
*Woohoo Moconut*

$2.79 for this pineapple necklace

$3.25 for this Thistle Brooch.
(I bought this for one of my Mom's friends who is Scottish)

Found these little rascals this afternoon $0.50 cents each... The little deers were prancing all through the gifts under the tree and getting tangled in tinsel and ribbon. They like to eat candy canes and light bulbs.

Funky Men's clip-on tie $0.99