Dad, Mom and I 1981
A. Age: 30 & 3 days *hehe*
B. Bed size: Queen
C. Chore that you hate: DISHES (Been doing them by hand since I was 4 ("Helping mom in my younger yrs of course") Finally got a dishwasher a few months back. *Cheer*
D. Dogs: I adore dogs! Partial to squishy faced ones (Bulldogs, Mastiffs, Boston Terriers & Boxers) I have 1 Boxer! I would have more if I could.
E. Essential start to your day: A cup of coffee and reading all your blog posts.
F. Favorite color: Green
G. Gold or Silver: Silver or White gold
H. Height: 5’4"
I. Instruments you play: Used to take piano lessons when I was little. But as of right now I play nothing.
J. Job title: Vintage Shopper (*hehehe*) Used to work in clothing retail but am in the process of selling online.
K. Kids: Not yet but probably in a year or so.
L. Live: Canada, (British Columbia) The warmer side of Canada. *hehehe*
M. Mother’s name: Coreena

Mom got married to my Dad when she was 17 and had me 14 months later at 18.
N. Nicknames: Coconut, Loo, Elf & George
O. Overnight hospital stays: Nope thank God. (Have had a fear of Hospitals since childhood)
P. Pet peeves: Hard butter, People who chew loud & People who are two faced
Q. Quote from a movie:
Harry: What's her last name? I'll look it up.
Lloyd: You know, I don't really recall. Starts with an S! Let's see. Swim? Swammi? Slippy? Slappy? Swenson? Swanson?
Harry: Maybe it's on the briefcase.
Lloyd: Oh, yeah! It's right here.
[He reads the manufacturer's name, which is Samsonite]
Lloyd: Samsonite! I was way off! I knew it started with an S, though.
Every time I come across a Samsonite... this scene plays through my head. *lol*
R. Right or left handed: Right
S. Siblings: One younger brother who is 26.
U. Underwear: I collect them! (All new of course) I always have to browse the undies section looking for a sale.
V. Vegetable you hate: I like everything but am not a big fan of Zucchini.
W. What makes you run late: Trying to figure out what to wear.
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth, Lower Back (Because of a car accident)
Y. Yummy food that you make: Spaghetti, Hot Italian sausages in a tomato sauce over rice, Chocolate chip mint cookies.
Z. Zoo animal: Zebras & Leopards

This is one of my favorite pictures of me. Having a snack out of the plant pot. MMM DIRT *lol*

I think this is why I want to move to a farm. When I was little I was around lots of farms. But after four years old it was life in towns and cities.