A short silly video I made of his trip. Yes he came with us on our mini Vacation.
"Bottom right button of the video bar can make the video screen bigger so Skipper's video is easier to read"
Sunday, October 30, 2011
A fun filled day for...
Friday, October 28, 2011
Coloring hair (hallabaloo)

Now I do not look relieved do I?
I look like I am getting my mug shot taken after a massive booze bender.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
A Koala gave me Crabs by Sea Mail *Eeeee*
Sea animal fabric, wash cloth, satin scarf, picture & Crab wall pocket
"I squealed with delight when a package from Nelly arrived at my door yesterday morning."
It is Utterly CRAB-TASTIC!
The envelope said it had been posted on August 17 *eeeaash*
That means the crabs had a good 2 months in the Ocean
(Leather white gloves * Dice ring * scrabble ring * domino brooch * sweet pink lavender scented heart * hanker chief with a M for my name ( Moconut) * Sewing needles * Yellow daisy patterned scarf * Purple heart pendant)
Note to Nelly: Nobody in my family (Even Grandmas) really knit or crochets... So this scarf you made is quite special because I am almost certain that this is one of the first handmade out of yarn gifts made especially for me. (Excluding maybe when I was a baby and some lady from church might have made me a blanket or toy or something.) Which might or might not have happened I really don't have the slightest clue. So thank you very much I will cherish the scarf you made.

Saturday, October 22, 2011
100th Post (Retail, Vanity/dressing table search)

Last week Mr. and I celebrated our 12 wedding anniversary. We decided we wanted Chinese food so we went to a lunch buffet.
The food above was my plate.
(Is now hungry just looking at it)
Part of a gift from my parents was a $25.00 gift card for WINNERS.
I like what they carry there but do not go there much as I spend most of my shopping time in thrifts and buying my other bathroom necessities, makeup and such from places like Walmart or Zellers (Zellers is a Canadian store very similar to Target).
When Mr. and I get a gift card we first try and find something for the house we both agree on. But if there is nothing that is too thrilling we split the card in half and buy what we want. (We are pretty good at sharing since we have been together since we were 14 years old. Even though my Mother said I was not allowed to date until I was 16. I sure showed her... *laugh*) So with my half here is what I purchased. ~Pink Leopard Hair Wrap~
I used to have a cheepie from the dollar store but haven't seen it around in ages. Plus this one is sooo much cuter! *lol*

My search has become a slight obsession. I have my money stashed and hidden away from my Birthday just waiting for the perfect vanity table to come my way. Now why is it when you do not have the money for something it is plentiful but when you finally do they seem like a rarity!
My search has become part of a daily routine. Added onto my morning coffee with blogger I now turn to the classifieds in my area ready to click on a ad that shows a vanity table and message the seller as fast as my fingers can type before someone else does. I leave the page up on my computer all day pressing refresh whenever I remember. *Seriously* One did pop up that I was in love with at first site... But it's a little farther than I am willing to travel to go get it. *sigh*
The money it would cost in gas could probably buy me 8 bag sales.
So as long as all goes well... Next weekend Mr. Coconut and I will be taking a out of town day trip. We plan on thrifting and trying to find a vanity table in a few towns over from where I am. We will actually be going to two different towns and to thrift shops we have never even set foot in before. So it will be quite a fun adventure *I imagine*. I also looked up some used furniture stores in those towns and found a couple that (Judging by google maps) Look like they very well could have a vanity table inside them. *hahaha* "Stalker-ish huh" Now I didn't actually see a vanity table in them.. just by the pics it looks like they carry vintage furniture.

"Dear Vanity: Even though you do not yet exist in my life I have been preparing for you. Last week I bought you a pretty little lamp that is going to make you and I feel sooo glamorous. I have jewellery I want to keep in one of your drawers and I have a tray that can sit on you and hold my small perfume collection. I have hair flowers that need to be cozy for the Winter.. and a BUNCH of other stuff. So if you could just do your part... and try to find me too. I would be very grateful. *Hope to meet you soon* I will be waiting with arms wide open and a bottle of Old English Lemon oil to condition your wood! *If that doesn't make you excited?! I don't know what will!!"
Love always: Coconut

Friday, October 21, 2011
Vintage Lover till the cows come home (Frock on Friday)
(This should be on a brochure)

Have a *DELIGHTFUL* weekend
P.s. I have reached 100+ Followers and am rather excited about it too! (Thank you to each and everyone of you.) I will be having a contest giveaway in November to celebrate. I am still on the hunt for a couple more vintagey items.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Something in the mail

Yesterday I got a package in the mail.
And as soon as I saw the envelope I smiled because of the little starburst she drew. (I am the same way... If I am not drawing pics on shipping envelopes I am decorating them with stickers.)
I was quite suprised when I spotted the pink pendant. It is soooo sparkley and Tara made them herself out of resin. I remember her post on them months back. Also I have never owned any MAC makeup (I usually just purchase my stuff from a drug store or Walmart or something.) I always have heard reveiws on these lipsticks but... never knew a thing about them. (Still don't) But what I do know is I put it on today and WOW it lasts a good long while. (Didn't kiss off) I tried it on Mr. Coconuts cheek! "He even had to double check in the vehicle mirror" It smells good (I found that weird.. My lipsticks dont normally smell pretty.)
I wanted to say thank you to Tara & the sugar container she drew my name out of. *lol*
See you Tomorrow for Frock on Friday. I am looking forward to all you glamerous babes strutting your stuff!
x___ VC
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tea time & Show and tell
I really don't know.. But I did not wanna leave it behind.
*Adorable embroidered baby blanket for future Coconut babies*
(This dress does not fit me, if it had I would have totally wore it for FOF)
Sexy Garter
BUT.. I stuffed it in a bag sale and will sell it in the future.
(It really is too darn sweet)
Maybe they will look nice with my white furry ball hat I found last week.
"He called out to me from a huge pile of unwanted stuffed fuzzies"
He has a tag on him that says his names "SKIPPER" and the company that made him is called Maplefootedbabies. *heheh*
*Disappears into a thick fog*