*Hoot* Holding a owl just seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
Black Faux Fur Coat $10 tag (50% off sale) I paid $5
I purchased this coat in the beginning of the week. My Hubs said: (Don't you have enough faux fur coats?) My quick reply was: (But I don't have a black one, I need a black one... it goes with everything.) So earlier Today when going to read Curtise's
http://sopastcaring.blogspot.com/ latest post I had myself a good laugh. Because she (Just like me... has been buying faux fur coats like they are going out of style.) It seems whatever week one of us purchases one... So has the other. And in her post today she wrote:
"More more more faux fur. Yes, I know I already have 4 fur jackets/coats. But I didn't have a black one,and it's so lovely..." I think shopping with her would be a blast. But when it came to the coat section we might have to rock, paper, scissor who gets which coat. Hopefully it wouldn't end up in a furry fist fight. *lol*
I can see us now on the cover of our own magazine

We will make millions and our mag will be the hottest most luxurious one that is out there!!
Something just isn't right!
Camera was on self timer and I was petting my coat.
Poodle pictures $3.50 each The Mr. wasn't too thrilled about this purchase. But I told him... When we have munchkins (In the future... "NO NELLY not right now" *lol*) if we have a girl they will go in her room. Until then they will work perfect in a girly space for myself.
You know your are obsessed with animal prints... when you dress your Kewpie's in loincloths. It beats them running around nude!
60's cosmetic bag $0.50

I think I will pair this Gaymode nightie with my Fuk Wing bedroom slippers!
(Sounds scandalous doesn't it?)

Nylon Dream! $1.00

Sassy vintage slip $1.00

Leather gloves $3
I am going to try and make it for FOF Tomorrow. I have been horrible the past couple weeks and always remember when its too late.
(Okay truth... Friday's are my biggest thrifting days)