Well today was grey, rainy and rather gloomy. So I asked my dear Mother if she would like to go check out a few thrift stores with me. We went to 3 I didn't come up with a whole lot, but the things I found I just love!! So here is my findings.

Two pairs of earrings.. I just liked the colors and styles of them.

This pewter pendant caught my eye. It was .99 cents and I cannot wait to put it on a chain and wear it all around town. *haha*
Little bee pin
Set of 6 knives marked Burns stainless with bakelite handles.
Rabbit with bow tie bottle opener. I would really like to know how old this guy is.. He has no markings whatsoever and is slightly rusty. He reminds me of something but I cannot put my finger on it. For some reason I keep thinking I saw a rabbit that looked like this on some German chocolates.. but heck I came up with nothing when I did a search on google.

As soon as I seen this amongst all the other swim suits I grabbed it. It was sitting there sticking out like a sore thumb. Thank God or I might have missed it. It will be swimming season soon and I wanna wear this with a floppy straw hat! Note to self: Start working out & stop eating fast food.. even if it is a chicken burger. The price was $5.00 and when I went to pay the lady at the till said "All bathing suits are 5.00 are you sure you want it??" YEESSSS I do I replied. The store I got it from has recently raised the pricing on all clothing I would not have paid 5 for any other suits there.. but I could not leave this one.
Lastly for the shopping part.. you are not going to believe.. *cues dramatic music*
Another ELNA!! Now I still do not know if she runs.. and if she does I don't know if she does it well. But she was $5.00 and HECK I cannot pass up a green sewing machine. The first one I got was the Supermatic.. this one is the transforma.
I still do not know the whole difference between the two but I have read a little about it. Now this new one I got did not come with much. It had the knee bar and the cord to plug it in. No accessories or anything just bare bones. In the next few days I will plug her in and see what does or does not happen. If she runs.. you can bet your butt I will buy another if I come across it. Especially if it comes with accessories. My man found her for me.. he should have known not to show me.. so I blame it on him. I bet he's thinking I better become a darn good sewer with all these machines!
And Last but not least. My Mom has a friend who knows I love vintage. She has given me some lovely pyrex bowls and I found out she liked Scottie dogs so a few weeks back I came across a cute vintage scottie pin with a rhinestone eye and purchased it for her as a thank you for the bowls. Well I guess she wanted to return the favor because she told my Mom she had something else for me. I was just given it a few days back.
I just adore the sweet little purse. She told my Mom it was either her Great Grandmas or her Great Great Grandmas. I really don't know why she didn't want it. Maybe because she only had Sons and no Daughters. Regardless I love it and I will cherish it forever or until I have a daughter I can pass it down too.
After shopping the rain stopped and I had spaghetti for dinner. Spaghetti is one of my favorites. Once I finish typing the last words to this post, I am going to finish watching the Stepford wives 1975 version.
Have you got anything that you adore recently? I would love to hear about it.